Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Why dost thou tempt me so?

I already have more books than I have shelf space. The shelves are jammed full, and my apartment's one closet is mainly full of the boxes of overflow books.

So you'd think that I'd be sensible and refrain from buying more books until I have a place to put them.

But oh, no, I am not known for being sensible. I think that book clubs know this. They can sense my weakness, and they prey upon me, sending me catalogs of the most delectable books, the ones that cause my synapses to fire in delight! Oh yes, they know. They know exactly what they are doing.

Most of the time I manage to resist the temptations these book clubs lay before me. Reading the fine print is a help for that. Oh, sure, I might get 6 books for $1 each today, but tomorrow you'll come demanding my firstborn child? No thanks!

But today in my mail was a catalog from the History Book Club. This one is new. This one I'd never seen before. "Get 4 books for $1 each with membership!" it proclaimed. "No obligation to buy more!"

I read the fine print with a skeptic's eye. Well, what do you know? They were being honest. Plus if I wanted a 5th book, I could order it for 50% off the publisher's price.

I flipped through the catalog itself. I think my brain may have begun to drool at this point. Ancient history, medieval history, church history!

Well, what's a bibliophile to do?

Really, $29.73 for five hardcover books (the $4, plus the half price book, plus shipping) is an excellent bargain.

I'll find places for the new books somewhere or another. Not sure where, but somewhere.


Michelle said...

Books, books, more books! Acquiring books is a weekness for me too. I've finally given up all my paper backs, but I still have 327 (make that 328 after Christmas) hard covers. When we built our house, I made a library thinking that I would have open shelves, but they are at capacity already. :/

PS: I'm glad you're feeling better.

Bougie Black Boy said...

you are hilarious. . .
and I would have as many as naive-no-more, but since i've moved 5 times in 4 years, i've decided my life is about minimalism.. . quite sad. . .

Don't make me send you some!

Tirithien said...

My library's pretty immense- about 30 linear feet of books if I added it all up. I can't resist a good book! :-)

Bainwen Gilrana said...

I hope, then, that you know how to build shelves!

clew said...

I love books. I love having books.

Don't get me started.


Anonymous said...

She comes by it honestly, although one would think such temptations would not be hereditary. The only difference is, Bainwen actually devours her books! I think I'm not as addicted to books as I am to book clubs! That's kinda scary. I may read one or two, keep on ordering, by gosh, till I have a wonderous collection of unread books. Why? (shrugs shoulders) I dunno....

Anonymous said...

But wait, there's more! You finally come to your senses. Quit the book club. You won't join another one, ever!

Till one day, you get the envelope that proclaims, "We want you BACK!" Somebody wants me back? How can I possibly dissappoint these nice people? I'm back....!

Anonymous said...

Hey, isn't that a picture of the library at Stately Wayne Manor???

To the Bat Cave!

(Okay, I'm done now.)

Bainwen Gilrana said...

:-) No, it's not Bruce Wayne's library! It's some random library picture from Google. But when I have a house some day, I want the kind of bookshelf where when you pull on one particular book, the shelf slides over and reveals a secret passage.

I don't have any reason for this. I just think it would be really cool.

Beth said...

Oh. I thought it was the library in your apartment. I was gonna say...!

clew said...

psst. i'm back. wanted to let you know :)

Martie said...

naive does have quite a collection and she is really good at sharing those books! When we moved into our present home 6 months ago I gave several paperback away also, but found that I still didn't have room for all the books and family pictures so hubby went and bought me more bookshelves.....what a guy!